I love a good old fashioned poke cake! I'll let you in on a secret. I leave the oil out when I make a cake mix for a poke cake! It isn't needed and the cake comes out great without the added fat.

If you've never made a poke cake, here's how:

Although I'd love a party with just cake, savory food is a good idea too... I LOVE deviled eggs! I make mine with mayo, mustard and my secret ingredient... dill mix. I use Pampered Chef's, but any dill dip mix will work. They come out so tasty and delicious! Of course they're even yummier served on a vintage milk glass deviled egg tray!

And of course doing something crafty at a party is a MUST!

These eggs are super easy to make. All it takes is pretty scrapbook paper torn into strips, mod podge watered down just a bit and plastic eggs! Let them dry on wax paper and the next day they're all ready to go in a pretty basket or bowl. For simple "Easter grass", shred some scrapbook paper in a paper shredder... I took mine to work, since I don't have a paper shredder at home. Everyone can make eggs to take home. They can carry them on plastic coated paper plates so they can finish drying at home.
Vintage place card holders with old fashioned postcards make great table decorations!
Well, that was a great post! I love the idea of using dill in deviled eggs..never thought about that! I love the little bunny card h older...that is adorable! thank you for all your posts..they are so informational and just palin cute...lol. Grammy Laurie
What fun post Angie! I have the same deviled egg plate -too funny! I'd love to be entered in the drawing.
I'm sure that I'll be back tomorrow to see what you're showing and telling.
I loved the party. My mom had a egg tray just like that and I ended up with it. Thanks for inviting me. I would love a chance to win.
I love jello poke cake--never thought of using GREEN for St. patrick's day. great idea! thank you!
I love deviled eggs and your cake looks delicious too. Great ideas on the Easter decorations.
Angie you know I love everything you do and would love to be able to win those items they are so adorable and can use them right in time for easter:) So cute.
I found your blog through the party and I am following you now. I love the easter egg craft and will have to do that with my kids. I loved deviled eggs, too. My secret ingredient is white pepper.
I love your party! I'm glad I stopped by for a visit :O)
I have an egg dish exactly like that! And I did a recipe for my blog party post too.
I have just found your blog-and am so excited!!! I love your "style" and can't wait to see more!!
Thanks for sharing!
Ooooh, jello poke cake, I haven't seen that in forever! Awesome! This is a gorgeous blog.
Hats off to you as a military wife, you have every right to be proud. Take Root and Write.com has many articles for women, and I know one category is for military wives, she is a great encourager.
Thanks for the party post!
Great to meet you! :D I haven't made poke cake in years. It is such a fun, easy and yummy recipe, too!
have a great week!
What a lovely site--I'm SO stealing that egg decorating idea! And girl? You have my heart with teh deviled eggs... my mom made them when I was little, and today, I make them for my girls with... DILL!
Happy blog party day!
Great to meet you Angie! Love your food and craft! Wow! I will definitely be back!!!
Great Blog! I followed you from my blog.. your post for the party is fun!
Glad we had a chance to party together!
Linda from http://cookingtipoftheday.blogspot.com/
Ok I am sooo hungry now time to go find some lunch, Love your blog and I will be back!!
Happy Blog Party!!!
I've never heard of poke cake before, I'm going to have to try it out--and those Easter eggs looked really cool! Great blog!
Great post!! I also am in love with deviled eggs!!! Love your idea with the plastic eggs!! Must try that!!! Enjoy the first day of spring!
Stopping by to say hello! Great party...stop by for your chance to win my door prize.
I love vintage too!
What a nice introduction Angie. Thanks for stopping by my blog party. I think military families are so wonderful because they sacrifice so much.
Have fun at all the parties.
I love your blog design! So cute. I think I will make those eggs for my Easter decorations--I am craft-inept, but it seems really easy and soo cute!
Great post! Nice to meet you =) The cake looks delicious. If you like candles be sure to stop by my blog. I am hosting a giveaway.
Happy UBP!
Boy do those deviled eggs look delicious. Everyone have agreat party! I would love the vintage-looking rabbit, than-you.
I love the Easter stuff!! Happy UBP!!! I am a professional blog hopper:-) Nice to meet you!
I love your egg idea, I was thinking today that I need to get some spring decorations and now I can make my own, thanks!
Thanks for doing this! You're so crafty! Always nice to find out about new blogs!
yumm I love deviled eggs cant wait for all the easter eggs, I use dill pickle juice hahahah
Great site! I love the idea with the plastic eggs, you know I have tons of those hanging around! I am going to do that with the kids this year. Thanks!
Gol-ly it sounds like you have your hands full with all that you have going on! Thanks for stopping by my blog :-)
Hi Angie,
I am stopping by from The Ultimate Blog Party to say hello and to check out your blog. I am looking forward to a fun week!! :)
Check out the LeapFrog Tag Reader giveaway over at my place!
The Divine Miss Mommy
I'm party hopping!
I'm party hopping too. I love poke cake. We always called it "jello" cake when we were kids and we loved it! I always requested it for my birthday.
I love the blog background that you have. Very pretty and suits your blog name!
I'm partying UBP'09! Enjoyed looking around your site!
I love deviled eggs, and I love your egg plate.
OH my hubs is in love. Deviled eggs are his fave. Hope you have a wonderful bloggy party!
Loved your post! Thanks for visiting my blog! This is such a fun blog party. I'm really enjoying it! I love deviled eggs. I need to try it with dill in it. I love all things Pampered Chef!
God bless,
Deviled eggs .... I shall make them for lunch tomorrow :)
Happy Blog party -ing.
Wow this party is great. The deviled eggs look Delish. Thanks for sharing...
I love your site, I also like Vintage things and we have our home decorated in Americana..
I am a new blogger and this is my very first Blog Party.
Thanks for inviting us into your blog.. Great Party.. Have fun!!!
Thanks for stopping by my blog. You have some fabulous photos on this site.
RYC: I've decided writing a novel isn't something "anybody" can do, in the same way that making an afghan or 6-course meal isn't something anybody could do; it's not the intelligence or ability that's lacking, it's the interest and drive to sustain the project.
(I give my newbie-advice for beginning novelists tomorrow, if you're interested in that sort of thing.)
Happy partying!
I love vintage things! I just got back from my local antique mall, in fact. :) Nice to meet you!
I love pink, chocolate, and vintage too! Are we related? ;)
Cool - I've never heard of poke cake!!
Well, you had me at the deviled eggs - I will definitely add you to my blogs to read!
Hope you can stop by the ranch for a visit sometime!
Love Deviled eggs too!!! Happy partying! Loved the post!!!
What a neat blog!!! Love it!! I will have to try those deviled eggs. Yummmmmm I am glad I stopped in for a visit. I will be back for sure.
Happy UBP 09!! :)
nice post, and a great blog I just subscribed after reading your post now i am hungry for something sweet that poke cake sure looks yummy.
Happy UBP, 2009
Looking at your food made me hungry...yum! Have a great party and thanks for having me.
Nice to meet you, Angie! You just made me soo hungry for deviled eggs! I might have to make some later! Have a great week :)
I think I'm going to have to go make some deviled eggs now! :) I've made poke cakes before - easy peasy! Great party, and fun door prizes! :)
I've never had a poke cake... but I'm dying for one of those deviled eggs!
Hi Angie! Thanks for stopping by, it's nice to meet you. You have a great blog! Have a fun UBP week!
what a flavourful party post!
Oh deviled eggs are my fave! Thanks :-) I found you through ubp09 and I love your blog. Red, White & Blue are my family's "theme" color. We dress in only these colors on vacations. Started the tradition for simplicity but now it's just FUN! LOL I can't wait to visit again.
KC from Lil Momma's Haven
Love that you have deviled eggs! My older daughter has been begging me to make some. Glad to have met you, Angie!
I love your decorated easter eggs. I may have to try these.
Dill in devilled eggs... yummy and novel. And I've never heard of poke cake. Thanks for your warm hostpitality. Happy UBP!
Looks yummy! Wish I could dive right in! Sounds like you have a busy, full, and good life.
I'm a mom and a humor blog writer. Found you through UBP09. Drop by anytime. :)
Very fun! I don't have any Easter decor.
Poppin' in from The Ultimate Blog Party...all the way from Queensland, Australia! G'Day! I hope you have time to visit my party soon.
Thanks for party hopping to my pad - hopping over here to wish you a Happy UBP!
Party ON!
Thank you for sharing your husband and supporting him while he serves! My BIL just left--yesterday--for Iraq (His 4th trip).
Your Poke cake looks awesome! I am sure it was yummy. Question, when you leave out the oil do you replace it with water? Thanks for visiting my blog!
Great stuff, I love your blog!
Funny, I was planning on making a poke cake today, but in cupcakes for a b-day party.
Love the cake recipe! Thanks!
Wow I love you site!!! And those eggs are great...I will be making some this spring...AND THANK YOU for all the helpful hints!
Wonderful blog! I love the poke cake!! Have a great weekend and happy blogging.
Ya know what else is great to do with antique or really pretty egg trays? Use them to store seperate earring pairs in:)
Love the little chick-a-dee postcard and holder- how cute and vintage is that! Love contests, what fun:)
I'd like to add you to my blogroll, that ok? :)
Great blog theme! I enjoyed visiting your site today. I love the chick in your Giveaway, so cute!
Your #10 visited - I am posting a list of Blogs I Visited for UBP 2009 - have a look ... http://twitthis.com/ffdexc
I'm excited to announce the very First
Prize Giveaway* by blog.URLAGE.com
The Giveaway is in honor of the
Come on over for a visit ... LUV Needed! =)
*This Giveaway is exclusively for UBP 2009 Participants who, comment on my blog! Comment URL:
Twitthis URL for my Giveaway:
Best Wishes for successful blogging!
Follow me on Twitter:
Very nice to meet you. I've never heard of a poke cake before! I'll have to make it.
Nice to meet you! Happy partying!!
Your job sounds so interesting!! I'd love to hear more about it. I'm a library media specialist at an intermediate school and I'm always up for a good museum - I take my son to our local children's museum every week - we're members. LOVE your style, too! You look like a fun person to "be-friend" - haha! :)
Happy partying! I have some giveaways going on too, so hop on over!
Happy UBP
Great post, I would have never thought to put dill mix in my deviled eggs, yummy.
Nice ideas. Good cake for St Pats!
I thought I had already visited! Your blog looks super familiar!
Anyway, happy UBP 2009!!!
Hi Angie! Great to meet you! I'm part of the UBP too! Those eggs are so cute! And it sounds like something the kids could easily do!
What a fun party, Angie! Come stop by my place for a visit!
Life is Sweet
Yeah! I found another blog I am able to leave a comment on! At this rate I'll never get to 20 (he he he!) I am hopping around for the party. It is very nice to meet you. You are a very busy and dedicated gal!
C. C.
Hi Angie. You seem to be a very talented charming lady. Your site is very nice. I think your dark eye makeup sends a little bit of a mixed message. I'm not saying that you aren't pretty--you are so pretty! Nice blog! Cute post.
Oh those deviled eggs look SO delicious...
Hope you are having a happy party...
Take care
Now I want to make some deviled eggs... that picture made me think, "MMMMM!!!"
I really want to visit back... your site is really great!
I am really enjoying blog hopping. Happy UBP!
Wow, deviled eggs. We get so many yummy things at this party. I love it. Glad I stopped by.
You can just leave out the oil in a cake? Wow! I will have to try that! Thanks!
Great post. I am completely addicted to cake so I am going to have to try the poke cake soon. I am thinking strawberry.
Nice to meet you!
Talk about a party!
I'm quite intrigued and am learning how to get around!
Just stopping by from 5minutes for moms blog party!
Thanks for hosting a blog party! I've never made a poke cake before. 6 kids! Wow! You are blessed. I look forward to getting to know more about you.
Stopping by from the UBP to say hi!Yum! Deviled eggs!
I am giving away a prize on my blog in addition to the one at the party so stop on over!
Thanks for stopping by my blog. I love your Easter egg craft! We might have to give that a try this year.
Stopping by via the UBP.
Hi Angie! Thanks for stopping by from the UBP. I'm party hopping too and I love your post on egg salad sandwiches. One of my favorites!! I'd love to be entered in your drawing. Too cute :)
Wow, you have a lot of comments!!
I really do not like boiled eggs...give me a good omelet and I will eat it all week!!
I'm party hopping! Hope to see you at my party!
Found your blog through the party & enjoyed browsing around... Hope you have a great week!
Oh my gosh... you had me at Deviled Eggs! I love them!
Hi, your desert looks very yummy. This is my first blog party and I'm having a blast meeting new people and reading their blogs. It was very nice to have met you.
I feel so welcome. Thank you. I am a military wife retired. My Army husband retired after 24 years. I love to craft, too. I love your site and the food was so good. Many sites don't grab me from the start and yours did. I signed up for your blog.
Great party! Love the post. I am so happy you hopped over to my blog! I definitely need to follow yours! Thanks!! Oh and I'm in Beaver. LOL Right down I15 from you!
So great to "meet" you! I love your writing style & will definitely be back to read some more!!!
Nice to meet you!
The Poke Cake looks good and the eggs are very pretty.
What an awesome blog! Jello cake and deviled eggs. YOur speaking on my level :) YUmmo!
I am so glad I stopped by your blog party!! Your blog is right up my alley... love the eggs, Poke cake is one of my fav's and Pampered Chef dill mix is a must in my spice cupboard!! If you get a chance, stop by my blog and check out my party giveaway!!
~Rachel :)
Hi, just found you from the party.
Love your blog and of course all of the wonderful ideas. I just love deviled eggs!
Please come by and visit me sometime.
I'm on the list, but the last one as of yesterday.
lesalambert 62 at yahoo dot com.
journeytomyliecamille dot blogspot dot com
Oh, I`m a huge fan of deviled eggs, it`s the only way I actually like eggs. Drool. And interestingly enough, I just blogged about Poke Cake on my food blog and used the photo on my party post over on my blog! Talk about coincidence!
Great party!
wow- thanks for the great tips! love your blog!
I wish I was creative. Cute stuff!
Thanks for stopping by my party, Angie! Yours was a lot of fun and now I'm HUNGRY! lol. :-D
I wish I could pop on over for some of that cake! How exactly do you make those eggs? What is mod podge?
This is my first blog party! :) Your site looks amazing..I'm having a lot of fun and look forward to seeing more of your blog. xo
Hi Angie!
I'm just blog hopping in from the party link list.
My goodness you're a busy lady! I'm tired just reading about all you do.
Stop in on my party if you've got a minute!
It was really nice to meet you! I was blog hopping from the UBP, and was so excited to meet a fellow LDS Momma! :) You have a cute blog, and an eclectic style! :)
Feel free to stop by my blog! :)
Party on! :)
Those eggs are just adorable! I think I'm going to try making some this Easter! Happy blog partying, y'all!
Love your blog!
Came in off UBP09!
Keep it up!
I am amazed, how do you find the time for all that??! I like your blog and will definitely be back for more these days!
Wow, you sure are creative. The cake looks delish.
-Terra H.
Twitter: AboutParenting
Hi Angie!
I too love all things vintage and crafting, so I am glad I discovered your blog through UBP. What a neat idea about the Easter eggs!
Love the recipes, thanks!
THe jello cake is a fab idea!
Yummy..... the deviled eggs and jello cake would be so tasty now. Too bad and can't take them out of the computer. I'm seriously thinking about making some eggs tomorrow. My grandma used to make that cake all the time and even kept in the freeze for when I came over. I actually taste pretty good barely unthawed.
WOW! 29 and mom to 6? You're a busy person!
I am a brand new blogger and really enjoying the party. You had me with the deviled eggs and poke cake, two all time favorites. I can't wait to continue to read your bog. I am going to be a follower. Thanks.
welcome to the party and happy blog hopping! I can't wait to look over your site, looks really cool!
what a fabulous party! :) mmmmm . . . i do love deviled eggs and poke cake :) the little chicky is adorable -thanks for a fun visit and the generous giveaway! :)
My goodness, you have your hands full! And you still find time to keep up such a nice blog. Great job!
When you have a moment, you're invited to visit my blog at growingsage.wordpress.com. I write about green and simple living, faith, family, and other stuff.
Hope you enjoy the rest of the party!
Hi there! I am party Hoppin! Hope you are having fun with the UBP! Stop by my blog too!
Artful Blessings,
I just love this blog. Those eggs are beautiful! Sophie and I will do that next week. You do sound like a busy girl, but it all sounds awesome. Working with children doing arts and crafts would be my ideal.
You have a cool site. I am going to show it to my mom. She told me about the blog party at 5min4moms, so I wanted to visit your site. My name is Becca and I have a website about cooking and easy recipes for kids. Have your kids who like to cook stop by for a visit. We have videos of other kids cooking to make cooking easier. Thank you and have fun at the blog party!
cool recipes
Stopping by from UBP. I also totally dig develed eggs. Good luck!
Hi Angie-
Love your blog!
Party hopping and I think I will come back here! :-)
Blog hopping from UBP and I LOVE the look of your blog! Bookmarked and will be back!
Check my blog out if you'd like!
Hey, amazing blog. I am happy to be part of your party.
I love deviled eggs, but I had never heard of a poke cake! I will have to try it. Hope you are enjoying the party.
Hi Angie,
I saw your link to this site from healthy me on the UBP09. Wow, you are so creative - seriously. I am so impressed with all I saw on your site. How do you find the time with 6 kiddos and your hubby not even in the same state. I will definitely have to check back to get some great ideas from you. Oh and I want some of that green cake - yum!
I've seen & eaten a poke cake but never made one. I should bake one with my childrens help...I like to include them. They would enjoy eating this fun cake. I must get a move on...I only have a 4th of the 20 required visited =)
It's so nice to meet you Angie! What a great blog you have. I'm definitely a follower now and can't wait to get you know you better!
Great idea to make your own shredded paper. I'm not crafty at all so something like that is really cool. Well it's nice meeting you here at the party.
Oh, I LOVE the background and look of your page! I hope you have a great time with the blog party!
Awesome post, and Awesome blog! I love your background. :) The date night ideas were great. ;) Hope you get to have lots more of them with your hubby!
Lovely blog! I love Poke Cake!!! Dreamsicle is my favorite!!!
Shoulda started party hopping sooner...hope I made it for the giveaway.
You seem really fun.
I'll come back when I get a chance.
Hi! We are still party hopping (very long list, right)! This is our first party, but what a great thing. We're glad we can "meet" you. I have never heard of a poke cake. yummm Check out our site if you get a chance. We have a new giveaway pretty much everyday. www.mommieswithcents.com Take care!
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