I was in a group support meeting for caregivers on Saturday and the therapist referred to me as a writer and I asked myself the question, Am I still a writer? I love writing, helping my husband with his talk reminded me of that. I want to consider myself a writer, but to be a writer don't I need to actually write something?
It's been an interesting year. I am happier than I've ever been. I love being married to my best friend, but there are also many challenges that come with being a full time caregiver to a disabled veteran. One of the things that constantly gets drilled into the heads of caregivers is to make the time to take care of yourself. Writing is therapeutic for me, so I've decided I need to make it a priority again!
Last week in church my husband started nudging me and telling me I should go up and bear my testimony and I said, "I don't have anything to say." He snorted and responded, "That would be a first!" He's right. I do always have something to say.
On this blog I have recipes and craft ideas to share. I have vintage finds to show and tell. I have parenting stories, caregiver stories, ptsd stories and testimonies to bear. I have women to connect with and friendships to make and strengthen. I AM a writer! I don't want to lose that part of me so I'm here to publicly say... I'm blowing the dust off this old blog and putting it to regular use again, not because I feel guilty about it or because people are asking me to, but because when people ask me what I do I want to be able to say once again, I'm a writer!
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