I often get asked how our family is able to travel when we're on such a tight budget. I don't go around posting my bank account balances online or anything, but spending so much time as a single mom and now being married to a retired military vet people know we aren't exactly rolling in the dough!
Here are a few budget-friendly travel tips I always use...
1- Be Realistic: As much as I dream of cross-country road trips and elaborate beach vacations they just aren't in my budget at this point. When I'm deciding on a travel destination I examine our financial situation at that time. I research prospective spots to get a general idea of hotel, gas and entertainment costs to figure out if something is doable or not... from there I choose a vacation spot that is financially realistic for our family.

4- Find ways to bring in extra cash and figure out what you're willing to sacrifice: If you're like me then the extra money doesn't magically appear just because you want to take a vacation. I look for ways to bring in extra cash like selling vintage or household items on facebook, babysitting or crafting to sell. When I took my kids to Disneyland a couple of years ago I put half of the money I made from each vintage market I sold at into my vacation fund. Eating out less and cutting down on "extras" at the grocery store can give you some extra money to stash as well. I used to have a yard sale every summer and all the money I earned went into my vacation fund. If I get a tax refund I always put part of it towards my vacation goal. Every year I ask my kids if they'd rather have gifts for Christmas or take a vacation. Year after year they choose vacation. They still get small items in their stockings, but all the other money I would be spending on Christmas goes towards our trip.
People have told me taking trips for Christmas instead of gifts doesn't work for smaller kids, but I took my kids to Disneyland for Christmas back in 2006 when they were all young. Santa still filled our stockings in the hotel with small things (like dollar store Disney stuff!) and the kids didn't even miss the huge mess of gifts they were used to getting. At any age I'd much rather give me kids a memory than more junk they don't need.
5- Research: I always spend a lot of time researching free and cheap things to do in the area we'll be vacationing. I check out the menus of all the restaurants I'm thinking about so I know how much a meal would cost there. It's good to know hours of operation, costs and everything else about the places you'll be visiting. I don't like surprises while traveling because surprises always cost extra money!
6- Choose the right hotel: When we travel as a family I only choose hotels with free parking, free wifi, free breakfast and a fridge and microwave in the room. A pool is a big plus, but it's not a deal breaker if the hotel doesn't have one. Sometimes a hotel with all my non-negotiables is a little more money than another hotel without, but it always saves me money in the long run. I can usually find a hotel with everything I want for $40-65 a night.

You can also cook meals ahead of time and haul them in a cooler on vacation... then all you have to do is reheat them. This saves even more money and time, but it takes more planning and work at home.
8- Involve your family in your planning: If everyone is excited about the vacation and aware of the budget and the plans there aren't any false hopes and expectations. My kids know how many meals we'll be eating out, if we'll be stopping for food on the road or packing a lunch, etc. They also know what kind of splurges we'll be making. When we went to Disneyland I budgeted in one Disney meal a day as a special treat. They were super excited about that because we don't usually eat in theme parks. On our last Vegas trip the show tickets were a splurge. Sometimes there aren't any splurges because money is super tight and they know that too.

9- Drive: My kids have never been on a plane. Even "cheap" airfare adds up when you have multiple people in your family. When gas was at its highest it was still cheaper for us to drive... believe me I always checked! Driving also allows us to pack food for the drive and the motel which saves even more money.
The last two tips aren't really tips, but vacation alternatives. Some years I just haven't been able to swing a "real" vacation, either because of finances or just because hauling young kids across a couple states was a pain I didn't want to deal with. (When my kids were young all three of them got car sick if they were in a car more than 20 minutes!)

11- Staycation: When my kids were really young we took a staycation every summer. We'd head to Salt Lake City which was about 30 minutes from us, stay in a hotel with a pool, eat in restaurants and visit local museums, zoos and other attractions. A couple of the years we didn't even stay in a hotel. We just got up each morning and played tourist all day long for 3-4 days in a row. We spent very little money, got to sleep in our own beds at night and the kids still felt like we were on vacation because we did all kinds of fun things we didn't usually do. The kids loved it and I loved not traveling with little kids! This works with older kids too! There are a lot of things they want to do around town that are out of my price range, but taking a staycation allows us to do them since we save on gas and hotel!
I hope I've given you a few ideas and the courage to travel! It makes me sad when I have friends that want to take their kids on vacation but don't feel like they can afford it. For me it's a priority, so I make it happen! When my kids grow up and move out they're going to remember the vacations we took together as a family and not if I had a new kitchen floor or a nice furniture. I'm all about the memories! Happy memories is one of the best things I can send my kids out into the world with!
I deleted my earlier post - I try to not be so negative but it isn't easy - anyway, wish I had the luxury of vacations/stacations with recent car problems and medical bills and my ex not paying any support it is really hard sometimes. He recently was remarried and now seems to spend the money on his new family instead of his kids. Thanks for the ideas, maybe someday I can implement some or all of them.
Great article, Angie! I wonder if you might do one on traveling with fibromyalgia. This is a big challenge for me. Riding in a car for long periods plus sleeping in a "foreign" bed causes me a lot of pain and exhaustion. I'd love to hear how you make this work. Thanks!
Brandi, I feel you! There have been years where our vacation is very, very meager. Being a single mom is rough! And being negative sometimes is TOTALLY ok! (((hugs)))
Julie, I'll work on a posting! There are definitely things I have to do in order to be comfy away from home... stupid fibromyalsia!
Angie, great post about vacation. We live on an island in NJ with free beaches and tons of tourist attractions. In exchange for time with our friends (& families) we provide them a place to stay, meals, beach towels and lots of free local places to visit. My only "rules" are to let me know if they are joining us for dinner so I know how many to cook for each evening and to shower after the beach outside to keep the sand at a minimum in the house (haha!). We love when our friends and family come to stay for a day or a week. To me, that becomes a vacation. Great job taking your kids on vacay. They will never forget it.
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