Sunday, July 14, 2013


I'm what you would call a busy person... not just normal busy, but BUSY.  I'm often told that I don't have an "off switch".  I go-go-go from the time my eyes open until I fall asleep at night, usually hours past bedtime.  I sometimes always make my family insane because they try to get me to relax and chill, but I don't really function that way.  One thing that helps me to keep my sanity through all my busyness is my house.  I believe that your home is your sanctuary.  It's a place that you should walk into and feel at peace.  There is a reason behind my white living room and bedroom.  It's not just that I like white slipcovers and white painted furniture; I feel at peace when I'm surrounded by simple, peaceful things that I love.

Having your home in order is more than just wanting it to look pretty.  Having an orderly home is essential for the well being of you and your family.  If you are squished on one half of the table at dinner time because there is stuff piled on the other side are you really enjoying your meal?  If you're wading through piles of stuff on the floor do you feel at peace or do you feel as cluttered as the room does?  I am not a person who will ever have a spotless, museum-type house.  I believe a home should be just that... a home.  I think you need to live in a place people feel comfortable actually living in.  But there should be order in your home.

When people come over to my house I find myself immediately spilling out excuses as to why things are so cluttered.  It shouldn't be like that.  Even though we have "good" reasons why things are cluttery right now, I'm embarrassed to have company over.  I know my friends and family understand what's going on in our lives right now and my house isn't dirty, just full of projects we're in the middle of, but it bothers me...  a lot.  I'm not sure how people who live in messy houses on a daily basis, year after year function and maybe they don't.  My house has only been out of order for a couple of months and I feel like my life is completely out of order.

I NEED my house to be a place of peace.  I'm getting to the point now where I'm starting to get things back in order and I notice such a difference in my own attitude and that of my kids.  I would strongly encourage anyone who is feeling like they're out of sorts to look at their house.  I know when my house is in order I feel like my life is in order as well.  I deserve a sanctuary from the stresses of life and so do you.  What better place for that sactuary than your own home?


  1. I have the same belief, that home should be a refuge from the world. Peace, harmony and comfort are the feelings I want everyone to experience once they walk through the door. But, like you this summer has been filled with Chaos. I am so ready to tame it!

  2. I'm the exact same way. I can't function when my home is unorganized and messy. I know it can't be perfect all the time, especially with a big, slobby family of mostly males...Haha...but I try to keep it pretty much in order most of the time.
    I do have to force myself not to vacuum 3 times a day. I'm also a little OCD, so that could be part of my problem. :)
    *Also....we've tried before but something always seemed to come up...I still want to go to lunch. My treat. Fridays work great for me, since Paul's home and I can escape for a bit. Let me know if you'd be able to, ok?

  3. I'm the exact same way. I can't function when my home is unorganized and messy. I know it can't be perfect all the time, especially with a big, slobby family of mostly males...Haha...but I try to keep it pretty much in order most of the time.
    I do have to force myself not to vacuum 3 times a day. I'm also a little OCD, so that could be part of my problem. :)
    *Also....we've tried before but something always seemed to come up...I still want to go to lunch. My treat. Fridays work great for me, since Paul's home and I can escape for a bit. Let me know if you'd be able to, ok?
