Friday, July 12, 2013

Broccoli & Cheese Quiche

I don't have the opportunity to eat quiche often, but when I do I enjoy it!  I figured why not make it for dinner?  This version of quiche is crustless, super cheesy and uses biscuit mix making it a simple and delightful meal.  You can add ham or cooked chicken if you like, but we go meatless several times a week and this is a good meatless option.

Broccoli & Cheese Quiche

1 bunch broccoli, chopped
3 c. shredded mozzarella
1 c. biscuit mix
4 eggs
1 c. milk
1 c. buttermilk
salt & pepper

Spread the broccoli in a greased 9 x 13 pan.  Sprinkle with cheese.  Mix remaining ingredients in a blender, mixer or by hand with a whisk.  Pour over the top of the broccoli/cheese mixture.  Bake at 350 for about an hour or until set and golden on top.

Serve warm, at room temperature or even cold... quiche is pretty versatile.  Some people like gravy on top too!

On a personal note... Life has been CRAZY at our house!  I've been as busy as can be!  We've had Eric's boys some this summer which has been hectic, I've been packing up & emptying out my craft room to make a bedroom for his son that we have full custody of, I'm spending tons of time buying & selling vintage,  Eric got a concussion on the 4th of July putting him out of commission for several days, Nina turned 16 last month, Caleb turned 12 this week on top of getting used to married life and being a full-time wife & mom.   We've also had a new addition to our lives named Millie.  This is how Millie looked when we found her:

I've been working every single day for the last month on this baby!  She's going to be used to sell my vintage treasures out of.  Have I mentioned that I've been selling vintage all year for a daily job instead of just casually selling on Etsy?  Probably not since I've been running myself ragged!  I sell locally through a vintage facebook group and at vintage markets, plus online through Etsy.

Millie was pretty trashed when we bought her, but I'm always up for a challenge!  The inside is ALMOST done and Eric has been prepping the outside for her pretty pink paint job.  I will be sure to share a bunch of before and after pictures when we're done!  I'll also be doing a vintage luncheon to show her off, so if you're local please join me!  Here's a sneak peek of Millie's inside now:

forgive the middle of the night cell phone pic

And this is how I feel after working in 100+ degree weather in a camper every day:

Happy summer!  *grin*


  1. That quiche looks yummy! I never make mine with a crust, it's too much work and I don't like crust that much anyway.

    I hope you'll show us the camper when you're all done. It sounds like a fun (and exhausting!) project.

  2. Yummy looking quiche! I am really looking forward to seeing how Milly's make over turns out. I am sure you are doing a fabulous on fixing her up.
