Saturday, November 5, 2011

Delicious Cranberry Butter & Cranberry Sauce Recipes

Every year I make Cran-Apple Sauce to can.  It's a little different tasting than regular cranberry sauce and very good!  When I was canning the delicious stuff this year I had 1/4 cup left that didn't fit into a jar.  I simply whipped it up (still warm) with 1/4 cup of butter and served it on corn bread.  It was delightful!!!  I'll be making cranberry butter more often now!  This would work fabulously with any leftover cranberry sauce you have this holiday season.  I think this butter would be so good on a turkey sandwich!  Yummy!

If you've never made your own cranberry sauce, it's so easy and delicious.  If you do cran-apple sauce it can be less expensive as well... especially if you're doing larger batches to can.  Both recipes follow:

Cran-Apple Sauce

20 apples
2 12 oz bags fresh cranberries
2 c. sugar
3 c. apple juice

Wash fruit. Sort berries. Peel, core and finely chop apples. Mix all ingredients in a large pot with lid. Cook for 5 minutes covered, stirring often. Remove lid and boil for 20 minutes, stirring every couple of minutes. Keep hot while filling sterilized pint jars. Process 15 minutes. Makes 7 pints.

If you are making the cran-apple sauce to use within the week, don't worry about processing... just place the jars in your fridge and serve chilled.

Homemade Cranberry Sauce
1 c. sugar
1 c. water
1 12 oz pkg fresh cranberries

Boil the sugar and water together. Add the cranberries and bring to a boil again. Let it boil for 10 minutes or so, stirring often and squishing cranberries until it looks all pretty and saucy. Be careful, they pop as they cook and although it's really cool to hear them, they can splatter hot stuff.


1 comment:

  1. OH, yum!! You are making my mouth water here at work...and I forgot lunch to boot! :) I will make this for our Thanksgiving leftovers.
