Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Zombie Prom

Now that I'm fully recovered from the Zombie Prom and ready for my next HUGE Halloween party next week at my house I thought I'd share a few pics!  I have hundreds, but I'll spare you all of them and just share some highlights! LOL

The Zombie Prom was a 6-9th grade school dance I was in charge of.  My committee was made up of mainly 9th graders, a couple of 6th graders (Alyssa & her bff) and a couple of amazing parents who I can always count on for help!

You can see, there were SO many kids there!  It was a blast!  This wasn't a typical wallflower middle school dance, people were rockin' it!

This was the gym before!  Big and boring!  It took a lot of brainstorming to decide what I wanted to do with it for decorations!

How do you like my milk jug lights?  They're in front of my house now.  They look great in the dark!

We blew up TONS of balloons and a couple of friends helped me string them all up from the basketball hoop!  They came out so awesome and it was pretty inexpensive!

Black butcher paper helped set the scene.  Butcher paper works great for large areas!

Here's my creeper daughter... She won the Zombie Prom Queen award!  She looked so awesome!

All ready for the dance!  I think we all looked great!  David took the pic, but he wasn't zombied up anyways.  Damian (David's son) and Justin (Nina's "boyfriend") are the other two kids.

Here I am on the stage.  I'm not a fan of talking in microphones, so I'm not sure why I'm always in charge of events. haha.  We were choosing our Zombie Prom King and Queen.  David came up from Vegas to DJ for us!  He used to be a DJ back in the day.

We had around 150 kids plus parent helpers!  It was awesome!  The whole event was a success!

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