Thursday, January 28, 2016

Because we're fat...

"Because we're fat?" has become a joke between my husband and I.  Every time one of us wants to do something, anything from getting a milkshake to going on a cruise, and the other person says no, we respond with "Because we're fat?".  It cracks both of us up, but in reality the fatter you get, the less you can do.  My husband especially struggles with weight issues due to the medications he's on.  They make him gain 100+ pounds every single time he's on them and it's a fight just to keep the scale from climbing.

I decided to try a "transition diet" to ease us into healthy eating this time around.  Every time I go gung-ho into healthy eating I CRAVE EVERYTHING.  Going cold turkey off the foods I love just doesn't work for me long term, but this transition diet has been amazing!  No cravings and I started to lose weight almost immediately.  I adapted it from a Beach Body diet I saw online and it's been working fabulously for us.

I printed out each week's plan and I post them in our kitchen so we can see what the focus is for the week.  The first couple of weeks I had cheats on Tuesdays... just one day after the week started, but by the third week I wasn't even thinking about cheating.  Now cheats just kind of happen naturally, like if I'm at a girls night out or something, I eat what is being served without guilt.  I've been surprised at how well my body has adapted into healthy eating this time around.  I've been asked several times to share what's working for us, so here it is, our six week transition diet:

Week 1: 
-No junk food (chips, fast food, pop, candy bars, etc)!
-Two cheats.
-Drink 90 oz of water a day.

Week 2:
-No white carbs.
-Eat a balanced meal or snack every 2-3 hours.
-No food after 7pm.
-No junk food!
-Two cheats.
-Drink 90 oz of water a day.

Week 3:
-Eat veggies & protein every time you eat.
-Eat a balanced meal or snack every 2-3 hours.
-No food after 7pm.
-No junk food or white carbs.
-One cheat.
-Drink 90 oz of water a day.

Week 4: 
-Avoid restaurant food.
-Eat veggies & protein every time you eat.
-Eat a balanced meal or snack every 2-3 hours.
-No food after 7pm.
-No junk food or white carbs.
-One cheat.
-Drink 90 oz of water a day.

Week 5:
-Eat very little carbs & sugar.
-Avoid restaurant food.
-Eat veggies & protein every time you eat.
-No junk food!
-Eat a balanced meal or snack every 2-3 hours.
-No food after 7pm.
-One cheat.
-Drink 90 oz of water a day.

Week 6 (super hard detox week): 
-Don't eat anything man made!
-Eat whole foods only: veggies, fruits, natural meats, eggs, whole grain rice, nuts & quinoa.
-No butter, cheese, breads, cereal, condiments... nothing!!!
-Eat a balanced meal or snack every 2-3 hours.
-No food after 7pm.
-One cheat.
-Drink 90 oz of water a day.

Weeks 7, 8 and forever on: 
-Eat as healthy as possible using the habits you've built over the last six weeks!
-Allow yourself a cheat now and then without guilt.
-Whole grain carbs, protein, veggies, fruits and water are all your friends!
-Menu plan if at all possible.  It helps you from eating unhealthy foods or going out if you already know what's for dinner.


  1. Sounds great cute gal! Thanks so much for sharing! Adore you my friend :) -Rena

  2. My husband has this problem too. When we can afford it the only diet that works is Nutrisystem! But it's expensive. Iys a struggle every year! :(
