Saturday, January 3, 2015

New Year, New Start 2015

Every new year I like to take some time to reflect on the goals I set for the previous year and decide where I need my focus to be for the year to come.  Yesterday I sat down with a dirty Dr. Pepper, a sugar cookie and my very patient husband and made a list of projects that need to get done around the house and thought about what goals I wanted to set for myself for 2015.

2014 started out rocky... halfway through the year I had one of those life-changing experiences I seem to be so fond of.  I had to pick myself up (with a lot of help) and the rest of the year did not turn out how I had planned... That being said, the second half of 2014 has been one of the best times of my life so far and in December I was able to be married to my best friend.

There are some people placed in your life for a reason and Jake is one of those.  We've always had a deep connection and after being best friends for five years we decided it was time for us to be married.  We had a very quiet, very spiritual ceremony with only us, our bishop and two witnesses.  It was beautiful and perfect.

My kids decided once again that they wanted a vacation instead of big Christmas gifts and we spent Christmas in Las Vegas!  It was a really weird, but super fun way to celebrate the holiday!

We saw Into the Woods on Christmas Eve and went to MJ Live (a Michael Jackson tribute show) on Christmas Day.  We had such a good time... and it was much warmer than home!

The botanical gardens at the Bellagio were absolutely beautiful for Christmas.  Taking a vacation as a family has become one of my favorite Christmas traditions.  We don't need more "stuff", but you can never have enough memories!

This past week as New Year's Day has been approaching I've been thinking a lot about what I want to happen in 2015.  2015 is a year of fresh starts and new experiences!  Today is my last day babysitting my nephews and niece.  I've had my 10 1/2 month old baby niece in my home since she was a newborn along with her 4 and 11 year old brothers.  Scarlett thinks of me as a second mom and it will be a big adjustment to have an empty house during the day.  Jake and I decided that it was best for our relationship and our family to not have extra kids here full time.  We want to have time by ourselves when my kids are at their dad's house, we want to get all the daunting projects around the house done that have been neglected plus I want to work on my vintage business on a more regular basis.  It has been next to impossible to keep up with it with a baby.  There are so many changes happening it's a little overwhelming, but they are all positive changes!

For the first time in a long time I am really, truly, deeply happy.  I wasn't quite sure I'd ever reach that point again.  I always try to remain positive and seek for the best, but it's a nice change to have true joy in my heart without having to force it or look for it!  I believe that 2015 is going to be an amazing year!

My word for 2014 was ORDER.  I've decided there isn't a better one and I'm going to keep it around for another year.  As we work on projects around the house, the business, our finances, my children, schedules and everything else I still like the word, ORDER.  It describes what I'm striving for.  When I have order I feel at peace.  The year of 2015 WILL bring ORDER to all aspects of my life!

The three goals I've decided on for 2015 are:

1- Spend 4 hours every week on this blog.
2- Visit a state I've never been to before.
3- Book a cruise for my family.

Have I mentioned how much I love this guy?  Even when I want to strangle him my heart is so happy that we are together.  

I'm so thankful for the blessings I've received this year and for the knowledge I have of my Heavenly Father and the fact that His plan and His timing rarely match up with our plan and our timing, but He DOES have a plan for us and if we are patient and have faith we can have everything we ever wanted and more.

Happy 2015!


  1. So happy for you, Angie. I have been a blog reader for a while, and I am glad that you have been so blessed. Keep blogging, girl. Where will you be going on your cruise?

    1. I'm going for a Mexico cruise so we don't have to fly :)

  2. Am I wrong or didn't you get married last year (2013?) I'm confused so don't answer if you don't want to, it's not really my business. Congrats on your wedding! Love your's the first one I ever became a constant reader of and love your vintage stuff!

  3. Congrats on your wedding! I love reading your thoughts and seeing the things you create!

  4. Congrats on your wedding! I love reading your thoughts and seeing the things you create!

  5. Congrats on your wedding! I love reading your thoughts and seeing the things you create!

  6. Congrats on your wedding! I love reading your thoughts and seeing the things you create!

  7. Okay, sorry about the five million comments. :)
