Friday, January 31, 2014

Feelin' Feminine Friday

One of my favorite things is vintage lingerie... slips, nightgowns, stockings, even vintage bras and girdles are so feminine and lovely!  Before the days of underclothing oozing sex or practicality, they were just pretty and girly.  I grab them up whenever I can to fill Millie the Glamper's closet.  Sometimes I can find a whole drawer full at an estate sale and I'm almost giddy!  I am not alone in my love for vintage satiny treasures!  They are one of my best sellers!

I don't think I've actually worn a satin slip since I was a little girl, but I'm still drawn to their beautiful femininity and I remember dancing in my slips as a child feeling like a princess.  These three slips I'm showing off today were "Union Made in the USA".  I love seeing that tag on vintage clothing!

Something about these three slips spoke to me when I found them.  They came from the same thrift store and most likely the same home since they are all the same size and era.  I couldn't resist them.  The pink one caught my eye first of course, but I had to bring all three home with me! The lace and the designs on each are incredible!

There is just something really feminine about vintage underclothing and nightgowns that I can't pass up. They make me smile.


  1. Oh My Gosh! I use to wear one like the pink one. I hated wearing dresses but I loved the slips. They were always soft and silky.

  2. I love wearing slips under my skirts. I think they make the skirt lay nicer.
