Sunday, December 30, 2012

Easy & Delicious Appetizer: Great for New Year's Eve

These whip up so quickly and are gobbled up even faster!  You could make them out of just about any combo of meats, cream cheeses and whatevers, but this is how we like ours!  If you are having company over for New Year's Eve or have been asked to take a finger food with you to a gathering, these are a great no-bake choice!  My sister and a few of my kiddos' friends are joining us for New Year's Eve.  We're gonna play games and watch movies.  It's been our tradition for years!  What are your plans?

Pickle & Ham Appetizers

deli sliced ham
dill pickles
cream cheese

Cut the pickles into fourths to make long skinny spears.  Spread cream cheese on the ham slices.  Place a pickle on the cream cheese and roll up the ham with the pickle inside.  Insert three toothpicks into the ham and slice each roll into three pieces.  Crazy easy!

1 comment:

  1. If you like spicy food, these are great with jalapeños in the middle.
