Monday, June 25, 2012

Cherry Jam (No Pectin)

I love cherries!  I happen to have a cherry tree in my yard, and this year I was also given some cherries from some neighbors.  I had never even tasted cherry jam before I made it but I thought it must be delightful!  I wasn't disappointed and now I make this every single year!.  This recipe came from a 1979 canning book I picked up at a yard sale over the weekend.  I love that it doesn't use pectin.

Cherry Jam

4 c. pitted cherries
3 c. sugar
2 TBSP lemon juice
1/4 tsp salt

Gently mix together in a large deep pan. Bring to a boil over medium heat stirring constantly. Turn to med-high and boil for 15 minutes stirring frequently until slightly thickened (will thicken when cool). Process in a water bath canner 5 minutes. Yields: 3 half pints or 6 small jelly jars.

NOTE- Jam/jelly recipes don't usually double well. To double this batch I made the batches in two separate pans at the same time.


  1. How neat! If my cherry tree produces enough I'll have to give this a try.

  2. Yum! Sounds delicious. You could put the jam on so many things too.

  3. Did you use sweet Bing cherries or tart cherries? I've never made cherry jam before and I'd like to give this a try!
