Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Spice Shelf to Shadowbox Make-Over

During Christmas break while my kiddos were gone I decided I needed a crafting project.  I hit DI (local thrift store) looking for a project.  This is what I found for $3:

Pretty ugly, huh?  The hardest part was removing the puff paint stained glass.  It took about an hour to scrape it off the glass.  I was so worried it would break.  Once the glass was clean I painted the whole thing white and started looking around my house for little vintage goodies.

I think it came out fantastic!  I LOVE vintage shadow boxes!  I gave it to my mom for Christmas.  I think she liked it!

I may become addicted to making shadowboxes!  They are so much fun.


  1. Go for it! Sounds like the Holy Ghost is needling you for a change in your life.

  2. wow, that's an awesome story. i grew up in the rexburg, id area. what town is this church in. you have my curiosity completely perked. good luck........a change would be fun, but i hate being the one to have to make those huge decisions. isn't being an adult fun/

  3. Go for it Angie. You are a strong woman and I'm sure that you will be able to make your dreams come true!

  4. The town is Payette, Idaho. I hear good things about it :)

  5. I do believe in "signs". Being LDS, I think we could also call it the spirit (: I truly believe that everything happens for a reason. Heavenly Father knows what is going to happen from beginning to end. When I was a sophmore in high school, I applied to be an exchange student for my whole junior year. I was totally bummed I didn't get it, but figured there must be a reason. That year, although I already knew him, was when I rrrreally started hanging out with my now husband. We got to know each other and became good friends. Had I been gone that year...who knows right? Don't let anyone else make your decision for you! "If you build it, they will come" (: I know I am wordy this morning! lol

  6. I'm an American whos been living in The Netherlands for the last 4 years. Sometimes you need to throw caution to the wind and do what your heart tells you. I could of stayed in Oregon..but we all wanted something more..and The Netherlands gave us that. I knew I had one chance to get it right and even though I was out of my mind scared, I still did it and wouldn't let any lingering doubts hang around.

    It hasnt always been easy but who ever said life was supposed to be a walk in the park? I say go for it. It's your life, you have a great plan..so go for it :)
