Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Vintage Baked Goods with Applesauce Recipes

I have five fruit trees... but with this being my first year here and me never having fruit trees before I didn't know how to take care of them.  All the fruit has been wormy!  I'm HOPING I can salvage some of the apples for applesauce and apple butter.  This is a vintage '60s recipe sheet from my grandma's recipe stash.  Enjoy!

click to enlarge


  1. Those both look delicious. Have fun with the fruit trees.

  2. Awww, cute clipping. Those sound yum!

  3. When we had fruit trees in our yard, an apple, a peach and a pear tree, my father always sprayed with insecticide; In a big metal can with a small hand spray hose attachment. Do you have an Agricultural Extension office/4-H office that can provide info about fruit trees?
