Sunday, February 21, 2016

Tropical Crab Salad

We totally love fake crab at our house.  We can sit and eat a whole pound of it right out of the bag!  I love using crab in salads and main dishes as well.  Here's a simple but yummy tropical crab salad recipe!

Crab Pasta Salad

8 oz whipped cream cheese (in a tub)
1/2 c. crushed pineapple
1/4 c. milk

1 lb imitation crab meat
1 can mandarin oranges
12 oz pasta shells, cooked

For the dressing mix together cream cheese, crushed pineapple and milk.  Stir in remaining ingredients, chill before serving.  Enjoy!


  1. It sounds like you have been way busy!
    You might have a full plate.

    Looks like a lot of fun events.
    You are amazing.

  2. It's been a crazy month - that july just flew by and brought on a whirl wind of things. ((BIG HUGS)) I'm sorry to hear about Roxy - it's always hard to lose a pet 'specially when it happens infront of you.

    I am sure I have said it a million times but I sure do admire you and all that you do 'specially since your a single mom and here I am with loads of time and a hubby to help and I don't get near as much done as you do. You are super woman for sure!

  3. Whew! That's a lot of stuff!
    Nina looks gorgeous~ love that color of blue.
    I totally saw you at the Sawyer Brown concert!!! I thought it was I know I was right! :)
    We got drenched too! (duh) It was an AWESOME concert though!!! Totally worth getting soaked.

  4. Thanks for your comment today, it made my day! So I do live in Utah county and would love to attend one of your cooking classes at Macey's...which store do you teach at - Orem, Provo, Pleasant Grove? I'm sorry to hear about your cat (I love cats too and mine is 14!) and your daughter is beautiful. I saw the advertisement on Main Street in Park City for the ghost tour and thought it sounded interesting. I didn't have time to do it the night I was up there, but is it worth going back? Sounds like you've had a busy summer. Sorry if this comment sounds a bit...stalkerish...

    Gordon Gossip

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    4. Protection spells
    5. Get a job spell
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