Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Heart of the Home: My Kitchen

My kitchen is FINALLY done!  *knock on wood*  I finished the floor and cabinets over spring break and my kids came home to a new kitchen!  The funniest part is they couldn't remember what color the cabinets were before!

A bunch of my cabinet doors either won't close or won't stay closed... another project for another day!

I love the red, white and blue vintage look of everything!  My kitchen may be small, but I've completely made it my own :)

This is the kitchen BEFORE  I moved in:

brown cabinets, non-working dishwasher, linoleum floor, washer and dryer right in the way, broken faucet

ugly brown door, gross carpet, blinds, white walls, built-in shelf making it feel small


  1. Oh Angie it is so wonderful. It looks so refreshing and cozy. Love it! Your hard work has paid off.

  2. I'm fairly new to reading your blog. I Love your kitchen and all the other pictures you've shown of your house. That is the same style I like and makes me wanna work on my house more to match my style. Great job on the the hard work you've done!

  3. Looks great! I love what you are doing, you're such an inspiration!

  4. Your kitchen looks wonderful~ love the new paint on your cupboards~ so bright and cheery~ Thanks for sharing at FNF! :)
