Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Delicious Veggie Dip & What NOT to do when you're eating healthy

We have an art gallery stroll at work the first Friday of each month and there are always yummy refreshments. This past month my coworkers and I totally fell in love with the dip that was served and I HAD to get the recipe. It was quite fattening and served on crackers (so delicious!!!). I decided to lower the fat, make the ingredients simpler and serve it with celery. It's still fabulous. What a great way to enjoy your veggies with a bit of protein!

Veggie Dip

equal amounts of:
fat free cottage cheese
fat free cream cheese
fat free sour cream

Add powdered ranch dressing mix to taste.

I've been SUPER good at my healthy eating for a couple of weeks now, SUPER good.... even though I've been under a lot of stress.

And then Jake got out of the hospital (after several days of being there) and after not really eating for a week he decided we needed to splurge... OH BOY! My splurge would have been much smaller.... hahahaha

ice cream sundaes made with Ben & Jerry's ice cream, caramel sauce, nuts and whipped cream, cherry Coke and Almond Joys AND this was after going to Chinese food. I restrained myself and didn't eat all mine (he was more than happy to help me out) but still, SHEESH! It's good to have him back though!

Here we are both looking very drained after a long stressful week... maybe I just look drained and he looks happy to be home 


  1. Hope Jake is okay. The dip sounds delicious. I may have to add that to my Super Bowl menu.

  2. That dip sounds soooo good. I hate to say it though, not as good as that ice cream looks!! Sorry B&J is where it's at. Sounds like you enjoyed yourself :o)

  3. Glad Jake is home. The dip does sound good.

  4. I love that dip. Yummo. Jake feel better soon.

  5. Yummy looking dip!
    Glad he's home.
    Sounds like the splurge was a yummy one.

  6. oooh dip is the BEST! funny thing I learned..some europeans dont get our love for dips..certain groups actually find that to be a disgusting habit of ours..that and the fact that we eat finger foods.

    Feel better soon Jake!!!!

  7. the veggie dip sounds great! :) I love new recipe ideas that are simple :) thanks!

  8. The dip sounds great. Glad Jake is home.
    Check out my blog, search words,"Boot camp"-Deb , another bloggers' 2010 healthy eating plan that she learned from boot camp. I pasted to my site, so I can follow the foods list and tips.
